Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Should College Tuition Be Free?

Should College Tuition Be Free? The real question should be, is “free public college” actually free? When Americans’ suggest colleges to be tuition free, they don’t have an idea who would pay for the free tuition. When you think about it, free college isn’t really free, the cost just changes from students to taxpayers. Federal funding college education would increase taxes, since the money has to come from somewhere. Americans love the idea, but once they would see their taxes go up that would be a major issue. “If the U.S. government diverts more fundingtoward making community colleges tuition-free, then students attending privateschools could potentially lose access to federal financial aid since that mightbe one of the tradeoffs. They would then need to decide whether to attend freepublic schools that may be a lot more crowded or provide less effective.” Do you think this would be fair for the students in private college? Today, total tuition at public colleges and universities amounts to about $70 billion per year. Under the College for All Act, the federal government would cover 67% of this cost, while the states would be responsible for the remaining 33% of the cost.

In my opinion, free college tuition would be ideal for every American. Although, the cost for that free tuition would actually harm the American people who are middle class or below middle class with high taxes to cover the tuition. If only the government could come up with a compromise of lowering certain college tuition fees, perhaps it would be less stressful for the people to complete their education without going into debt with the student loans. I believe this topic is very interesting/challenging and you have to layout all the benefits etc, to fully understand the meaning of free college tuition. Do you believe we should have free college tuition? Or why not?