Thursday, June 23, 2016

Commentary on Classmates Blog.

For my commentary classmate's blog, I chose “A Deeper Look into the US Government” by Hanna McKenzie. The name of her article, “Hilary Clinton: Can She Be Trusted?” is a piece I found interesting. In this article, McKenzie does make a fair point on Clinton changing her beliefs throughout the years. She worries this type of inconsistency will affect the nation if she ends up getting elected as President of the United States. McKenzie also mentions she has an extraordinary political career, but when it comes to her opinions/beliefs they change constantly causing her to contradict herself with the past comments That YouTube video, called “Hilary Clinton Lyingfor 13 Minutes Straight,” shows all the time she opposed to her opinions and several years later she changes her opinion and favors the matter. You have people like Andy Cooper among others, trying to make Hilary Clinton accept she is contradicting herself for the past years, just to obtain favor in votes.   

In my opinion, I do believe Hilary Clinton has contradicted herself, because there is proof she opposed certain things and now she is in total favor of it. My understanding for her constant change is a result of our society changing every day. The American citizens keep evolving and this causes the Government, Political Parties, and Political Candidates change their beliefs/opinions for the good of America. With these constant changes I do believe it makes the candidate a better choice, because this means they are accepting what the American people want and believePerhaps the candidates could be doing it in order to obtain votes in their favor, but at the end, we know that if a candidate does not comply with what they promised the citizens will always unite to fight for what they promised. Have we not seen this with President Obama? Same thing goes for the past Presidents of the Unites States. My concern is not so much that she has the constant change in her beliefs, but she has at least made the effort to change the beliefs to be similar as the Americans. When have we heard or seen that Donald trump has changed his beliefs to benefit what Americans want? 

He is someone we need to be concerned about. He may not have the political career as Clinton does, but we know he is a racist, arrogant, egomaniac and many other things. He contradicts himself as much or even more than Hilary Clinton. In an article, the author mentions something that is very true, “If he were to become our President, there would be a great danger that he could become a tyrant. He listens to no one and suffers no correction. I’ve watched very little of the debates, but I can’t forget how he once turned on another candidate who disagreed with him. Donald shouted more, more or less, “Who are you to tell me? I’m a billionaire founder of many companies.” Which only qualifies him to be the founder of more companies.” People are worried about Clinton changing her mind for the benefit of America, yet Trump gets away with this nonsense. I seriously am and will continue to worry about Trump (lunatic) being elected to be President. When he does not listen to the American needs then what? Do you not see all the comments and things Donald Trump does to hurt our nation? All I know is that at least Hilary Clinton has a political career and is opened to be advised by great people. Trump doesn’t even take in consideration the advice other people give him to benefit the country!

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