Friday, June 17, 2016

Fighting Global Climate Change

Fighting global climate change is a tough subject Americans don’t take seriously. People in our country believe all global climate research information will not affect our planet until a couple of years down the road. We need to take in consideration all the research information and statistics given to us and make a change for the better. In 2016, there has been several events that measure the climate to be higher than it has ever been. Thermometer records go all the way back to 1880, and ice cores, tree rings and corals shows that global warming has been driven by humanity’s burning of fossil fuels. Forests have left the planet at its hottest for at least 5,000 years.  We need to make sure Americans are aware that these disasters occurring are not a caused by mother nature, but instead are caused by humanity. 

The Path Toward a Clean Energy Economy, Reducing Carbon Pollution from Power Plants, Accelerating Clean Energy Leadership, Renewable on Public Land, Expanding and Modernizing, The Electric Grid, Staying on the Cutting Edge, Building a 21st Century Clean Energy Infrastructure, Cutting Energy Waste in Homes, Businesses, and Factories, and Reducing Other Greenhouse Gases are steps the national government has taken to fight against global climate change. This may seem like the national government is making a difference, but it needs to take more steps to see a difference. 

In my opinion, fighting against global climate change is a must! As Americans, we need to start paying more attention to our planet and protect it. We don’t want to end up destroying our planet, with all these large companies trying to make profit by destroying the environment. The national government needs to implement more environmental laws to help save the planet. The national government should make all citizens learn about the global climate change and the effects it has. El Niño has caused major temperatures to be high in India, major flooding in Texas and other parts of the world. The government needs to have plans for all disasters and educate the citizens on what to do with these events. Educating the nation, means we would make wiser decisions on products being used, the production of products, materials being used to create those products and this would help the environment.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Great article! I wrote my comment here if you'd like to read it.
