Thursday, June 16, 2016

The N.R.A.'s Complicity in Terrorism

In the editorial, The N.R.A.’s Complicity inTerrorism, author James Bennet, claims that Congress is in complicity with terrorism. Congress tends to oppose all of the sensible safety measures. Bennet does not understand how this is possible after all the massacres that have occurred in the United States. With the latest massacre in Orlando, Congress needs to implement laws that make the government question to whom they are selling firearms. 

James Bennet, assures that “if a law like Senator Feinstein’s were in place, authorities would have at least a chance of stopping aspiring terrorists from buying weapons.” Senator Feinstein’s proposal was to grant the FBI the ability to prevent gun sales to people they suspect to be in connection to terrorism. This would mean the FBI would have to keep a close watch on millions of Americans applying to gain access to firearms, wouldn’t that be difficult? How would the FBI categorize someone as a suspect linked to terrorism? Bennet suggests that this a good start for the government to have power over the sales of firearms and have more control over massacres.

James Bennet makes a point at the end of the article “the United States, the gun industry and its enablers continue to insist that the only solution is more guns, and more bullets flying.” He does make a valid point with Congress denying firearm laws to protect the American citizens. The American safety is in jeopardy all thanks to those opposing. Like Bennet said “The gun industry lobbyists may be beyond reason, but the lawmakers have a duty to respond to their constituents.”
It is their duty to listen to what Americans need to have peace again and stop all these horrible attacks.


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